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Cloudflare's Browser Intergrity Check/Verification/Challenge feature used by many websites, is denying access to users of non-mainstream browsers like Pale Moon.

Users reports began on January 31:


This situation occurs at least once a year, and there is no easy way to contact Cloudflare. Their "Submit feedback" tool yields no results. A Cloudflare Community topic was flagged as "spam" by members of that community and was promptly locked with no real solution, and no official response from Cloudflare:


Partial list of other browsers that are being denied access:

Falkon, SeaMonkey, IceCat, Basilisk.

Hacker News 2022 post about the same issue, which brought attention and had Cloudflare quickly patching the issue:


A Cloudflare product manager declared back then: "...we do not want to be in the business of saying one browser is more legitimate than another."

As of now, there is no official response from Cloudflare. Internet access is still denied by their tool.

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windsignaling ◴[] No.42955454[source]
As a website owner and VPN user I see both sides of this.

On one hand, I get the annoying "Verify" box every time I use ChatGPT (and now due its popularity, DeepSeek as well).

On the other hand, without Cloudflare I'd be seeing thousands of junk requests and hacking attempts everyday, people attempting credit card fraud, etc.

I honestly don't know what the solution is.

replies(15): >>42955722 #>>42955733 #>>42956022 #>>42956059 #>>42956088 #>>42956502 #>>42957016 #>>42957235 #>>42959074 #>>42959436 #>>42959515 #>>42959590 #>>42963545 #>>42963562 #>>42966987 #
rozap ◴[] No.42956059[source]
What is a "junk" request? Is it hammering an expensive endpoint 5000 times per second, or just somebody using your website in a way you don't like? I've also been on both sides of it (on-call at 3am getting dos'd is no fun), but I think the danger here is that we've gotten to a point where a new google can't realistically be created.

The thing is that these tools are generally used to further entrench power that monopolies, duopolies, and cartels already have. Example: I've built an app that compares grocery prices as you make a shopping list, and you would not believe the extent that grocers go to to make price comparison difficult. This thing doesn't make thousands or even hundreds of requests - maybe a few dozen over the course of a day. What I thought would be a quick little project has turned out to be wildly adversarial. But now spite driven development is a factor so I will press on.

It will always be a cat and mouse game, but we're at a point where the cat has a 46 billion dollar market cap and handles a huge portion of traffic on the internet.

replies(6): >>42956167 #>>42956187 #>>42957017 #>>42957174 #>>42957266 #>>42964848 #
jeroenhd ◴[] No.42956187[source]
I've such bots on my server. Some Chinese Huawei bot as well as an American one.

They ignored robots.txt (claimed not to, but I blacklisted them there and they didn't stop) and started randomly generating image paths. At some point /img/123.png became /img/123.png?a=123 or whatever, and they just kept adding parameters and subpaths for no good reason. Nginx dutifully ignored the extra parameters and kept sending the same images files over and over again, wasting everyone's time and bandwidth.

I was able to block these bots by just blocking the entire IP range at the firewall level (for Huawei I had to block all of China Telecom and later a huge range owned by Tencent for similar reasons).

I have lost all faith in scrapers. I've written my own scrapers too, but almost all of the scrapers I've come across are nefarious. Some scour the internet searching for personal data to sell, some look for websites to send hack attempts at to brute force bug bounty programs, others are just scraping for more AI content. Until the scraping industry starts behaving, I can't feel bad for people blocking these things even if they hurt small search engines.

replies(3): >>42956660 #>>42960711 #>>42961964 #
x3haloed ◴[] No.42956660[source]
Honestly, it should just come down to rate limiting and what you’re willing to serve and to whom. If you’re a free information idealist like me, I’m OK with bots accessing public web-serving servers, but not OK with allowing them to consume all my bandwidth and compute cycles. Furthermore, I’m also not OK with legitimate users consuming all my resources. So I should employ strategies that prevent individual clients or groups of clients from endlessly submitting requests, whether the format of the requests make sense or are “junk.”
replies(1): >>42956823 #
makeitdouble ◴[] No.42956823[source]
Rate limiting doesn't help if the requests are split under hundreds of sessions. Especially if your account creation process was also bot friendly.

Fundamentally it's adversarial, so expecting a single simple concept to properly cover even half of the problematic requests is unrealistic.

replies(3): >>42959582 #>>42959598 #>>42959697 #
ghxst ◴[] No.42959697[source]
Rate limiting based on IP, blocking obvious datacenter ASNs and blocking identifiable JA3 fingerprints is quite simple and surprisingly effective in stopping most scrapers and can be done entirely server side, I wouldn't be surprised if this catches more than half of problematic requests to the average website. But I agree that if you have a website "worth" scraping there will probably be some individuals motivated enough to bypass those restrictions.
replies(1): >>42960252 #
dmantis ◴[] No.42960252[source]
> blocking obvious datacenter ASNs

You block all VPN users then, and currently many countries have some kind of censorship, please don't do that. I use a personal VPN for over 5 years and that's annoying.

I understand the other side and captcha/POW captchas/additional checks is okay. But give people a choice to be private/non-censorable.

Enabling/disabling a VPN each minute to access the non-censored local site which blocks datacenters IPs, then bringing it back again for the general surfing is a bit of a hell.

replies(1): >>42960453 #
ghxst ◴[] No.42960453[source]
That's a fair point, probably the best approach would be to do a client side challenge where the server side challenge fails but at that point it's no longer as simple of a setup. Toggling a VPN is definitely annoying but a captcha or something like POW do come with an impact to user experience as well and in my experience are easier (and cheaper) to deal with for bots, a good quality residential proxy where you pay per GB quickly becomes a lot more expensive than a captcha solver service or the compute for a POW challenge.
replies(1): >>42960498 #
1. dmantis ◴[] No.42960498[source]
Yes, but you can use captcha/POW challenges based on IP reputation, which leaves usual users intact. I don't mind captchas too much, that's my choice to use the VPN.

What I mean is that it's better to give VPN users the choice to solve captchas instead of being banned completely.