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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0.477s | source
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aucisson_masque ◴[] No.42956422[source]
Lots of people suggesting to build chicken coop. i have one, sure it's not much work. 2 minutes every day to grab the egg and bring the food and water, but then every 3 year you got to take the hatchet, grab each chicken, cut right on the neck and then hang it with it's feet while it's bleeding out and flapping its wings.

then there are the few occasion where you miss with the hatchet and it cuts half its neck, its head hanging down, attached by a quarter of the neck from it's body with the blood jumping out and the chicken running in circle for quite a lot of time.

it's also rare but sometimes even when you cut perfectly, the chicken will manage to get out of your hand and again you got to watch a headless chicken running in circle for some time.

If you are the kind of animal loving people in city, i'm not sure it's worth it.

bonus point, in summer you get a lot of fly because of the chicken shit, they reproduce in that. you can get in there and clean it everyday but it's a lot of work, and fly traps barely works when the heat is shinning strongly on the chicken shit. fly reproduce too damn quick.

Also chicken have hierarchy where all the up top chicken will bite on the ass of the chicken under it, so if you are the top chicken you got a nice ass but the one at the bottom it has a bleedy ass and sometimes they manage to kill them.

if you got to buy another chicken to replace it, it may not be accepted by the old one and so again -> bottom hierarchy, death by ass biting lol. it's funny but it significantly decrease the economic worthiness when you got to replace you chicken once in a while.

Beside i don't know what you do with chicken corpse in city, you aren't going to put it in recycling can.

Support your local farmer.

replies(19): >>42956564 #>>42956735 #>>42957087 #>>42957527 #>>42957672 #>>42958340 #>>42958670 #>>42959132 #>>42959282 #>>42960232 #>>42960247 #>>42960534 #>>42960944 #>>42961588 #>>42962486 #>>42963564 #>>42964258 #>>42966239 #>>42975516 #
1. ivanjermakov ◴[] No.42959282[source]
After reading that, I'm not only not want to build a coop, I don't want to consume eggs anymore lol. I guess I'm too "animal loving people".
replies(3): >>42960971 #>>42962450 #>>43038914 #
2. Cthulhu_ ◴[] No.42960971[source]
This is the harsh reality that a lot of people that have gotten used to the convenience store aren't ready for, but also we're in a slow revolution where people are becoming more conscious of the humane cost of animal products and are switching diets or changing their purchasing behaviour.

Definite difference between "city people" and rural people though. We had cousins stay with us for a week or so the one time, granted they were a little younger, but they didn't realize milk comes from a cow. So of course we took them to the local farm we got our milk from so they could see the cows up close.

3. AngryData ◴[] No.42962450[source]
You don't have to slaughter them, if you get regular heirloom chickens. The ones bred for corporate mass farms, yeah they are better off dead because they are genetic freaks either bred to only be meat and turn into a solid mass of meat that can't really walk or to shoot eggs out like a gatling gun, both of which are horrible for any potential long-term health. But traditional chicken breeds you can just accept having less eggs as they get older. Really the super genetic bred chickens aren't good for backyard growers to start with, you aren't going to consume that many eggs or want to have them so fat and meaty they can barely walk after 3 months.

My parents have had chickens for the last 40 years, never once slaughtered one. They either live to old age, or a predator comes along and grabs a slower older one or two.

4. mbs159 ◴[] No.43038914[source]
It's a good idea to see where your meat, milk and eggs come from. If you can't stomach it, then why put it in your stomach?