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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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mplanchard ◴[] No.42951168[source]
Fresh, local eggs have remained around the same price here. While more expensive than eggs from large producers in normal times, they are now often cheaper.

This is a great reminder of how important it is to support local farmers and small operations, which increase the resilience of the system as a whole.

replies(25): >>42951224 #>>42951379 #>>42951444 #>>42951492 #>>42951499 #>>42951509 #>>42951632 #>>42951842 #>>42951886 #>>42952197 #>>42952363 #>>42952639 #>>42953110 #>>42953883 #>>42953970 #>>42954145 #>>42955219 #>>42955874 #>>42957470 #>>42958089 #>>42958132 #>>42958719 #>>42960897 #>>42960909 #>>43015565 #
whateveracct ◴[] No.42952363[source]
If I avoid name brand stuff, my prices generally aren't bad. Like you said, the local eggs have been stable.

Locally sourced chicken also is reasonably priced and often on sale. There was BOGO (mix and match) last week so I got a whole chicken and a 2lb pack of breasts for $12 total. Both beautiful quality. With a bunch of minor cheap produce, herbs, and pasta..that's chicken soup + a chicken one pot meal that'll last us all week. Sometimes those whole chickens are on sale for 99c/lb!

replies(1): >>42952535 #
TylerE ◴[] No.42952535[source]
That is likely to change. Why should they sell a superior product for less?
replies(3): >>42952616 #>>42952856 #>>42954106 #
hammock ◴[] No.42952856[source]
Why not?
replies(1): >>42953196 #
TylerE ◴[] No.42953196{3}[source]
Because capitalism? Small farmers are already fighting brutal economies of scale.
replies(1): >>42953383 #
hammock ◴[] No.42953383{4}[source]
If they don't want to charge more though?
replies(1): >>42953677 #
TylerE ◴[] No.42953677{5}[source]
When their gas prices go up, their equipment goes up, their feed goes up, etc, they won’t have any choice.
replies(2): >>42955512 #>>42955728 #
hammock ◴[] No.42955728{6}[source]
Doesn't quite answer the question (of why they should sell at the highest price they can).

Unless you are suggesting that raising prices today is better (normative sense, since you used the word "should") than raising prices when you don't have a choice. In which case, can you explain more your reasoning?

replies(1): >>42956725 #
1. TylerE ◴[] No.42956725{7}[source]
gestures vaguely in the direction of the last 10,000 years of well documented human behavior.