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Glyptodon ◴[] No.42954673[source]
I don't have outrage fatigue. Outrages are outrages and they are what they are. Are there many exaggerations and fake outrages? Sure. But things like the USA's current constitutional crisis are real.

What I struggle with isn't fatigue at outrage, it's knowing what to do about it.

I think violence is going to become more common, but I don't particularly think it will be effective.

So less so than outrage, it's the feeling that we're trapped in a real life doom loop with no clear off ramp that I struggle with.

I would like to do something... But what?

replies(15): >>42954687 #>>42954826 #>>42954835 #>>42954975 #>>42956545 #>>42956552 #>>42956582 #>>42957013 #>>42957246 #>>42957729 #>>42959474 #>>42960108 #>>42960375 #>>42961367 #>>42964209 #
1. LeoPanthera ◴[] No.42954975[source]
I decided that other people are far more organized than I am and can respond more effectively, so I'm outsourcing political action in the form of donations. I've earmarked 3% of my income every month for a list of selected charities that currently includes the ACLU, the HRC, and a short list of smaller ones.

I encourage you to do the same!

replies(3): >>42955752 #>>42956344 #>>42957108 #
2. returningfory2 ◴[] No.42955752[source]
Edit: decided I don't want to engage on this issue.
replies(1): >>42960670 #
3. palmotea ◴[] No.42956344[source]
> I've earmarked 3% of my income every month for a list of selected charities that currently includes the ACLU, the HRC, and a short list of smaller ones.

I don't think that's a good investment, considering how badly those organizations failed in order to bring us to today.

replies(4): >>42956414 #>>42956437 #>>42957090 #>>42959316 #
4. andy_ppp ◴[] No.42956414[source]
How did these organisations make people vote for Donald Trump?
replies(3): >>42956608 #>>42957742 #>>42959289 #
5. LeoPanthera ◴[] No.42956437[source]
I am happy to learn about better alternatives.
replies(1): >>42956799 #
6. lenerdenator ◴[] No.42956608{3}[source]
Not OP, but to me, these are organizations that are meant for a world where laws matter.

They spent the four years of the Biden administration acting like a hall monitor telling other students they can't smoke in the boys' room. Like, not only can they smoke in the boys' room, they have done so repeatedly. They have upgraded from clove cigarettes to tobacco to weed to crack.

The current oligarchs of the US got there by having no shame and by not caring about the rules, because ultimately, they're just words on paper unless someone uses force (through the state's monopoly on it) to make them a reality.

7. lukas099 ◴[] No.42956799{3}[source]
Democracy Forward has brought many of the lawsuits against the president’s executive overreach IIRC. Democracy Docket has had a lot of success protecting voting rights.
replies(2): >>42956848 #>>42974299 #
8. LeoPanthera ◴[] No.42956848{4}[source]
I am happy to say that Democracy Forward was already on my list.
9. ◴[] No.42957090[source]
10. johnnyanmac ◴[] No.42957288[source]
Depends on his funds. if they are in a tight spot, 3% is more than 0%. if they are wealthy, that 3% will go father than many people's 10%.
11. returningfory2 ◴[] No.42957742{3}[source]
By successfully pressuring Democratic politicians like Kamala Harris to publicly adopt progressive positions that are unpopular, but highly favored by the kind of people who donate to and operate organizations like the ACLU.

For example, the (unfortunately very successful) Trump ad “Harris is for they/them, Trump is for you” ultimately originates with the ACLU. In 2019 they successfully got Harris to pledge government funding for gender affirming care for people in e.g. immigration detention [1]. It is totally insane that the ACLU thought it was important and worthwhile to get a pledge on this edge case. In general this advocacy was way out of touch with the country at large, has totally backfired, and now landed us with an anti-trans administration.

[1] question 14 here

replies(2): >>42958390 #>>42960478 #
12. lenerdenator ◴[] No.42958390{4}[source]
In 2019? That was before 2020, and that election resulted in Harris being vice president.
replies(1): >>42958531 #
13. returningfory2 ◴[] No.42958531{5}[source]
Is your claim seriously that Kamala Harris's image on cultural issues like trans rights did not harm her election campaign? One of Trump's most successful campaign ads was the one that included her talking about government-funded gender affirming care for people in prison. It even has its own Wikipedia page ( The fact that this stuff started in 2019 that she won as VP in 2020 is irrelevant; it _clearly_ was an issue in the 2024 that hurt her.

But that's just one example of many. There's also, say, Biden's handling of the border. Even though in 2022 it was clearly deeply unpopular and playing right into Trump's reelection campaign, he didn't change course (until too late) because of pressure from groups like the ACLU.

Overall, IMO one of the biggest factors in Trump's reelection is that the left and the center-left _talked_ about Trump being a big problem, but were unwilling to actually alter their policies or behavior or messaging to broaden their appeal and ensure Trump lost.

replies(1): >>42961398 #
14. palmotea ◴[] No.42959289{3}[source]
> How did these organisations make people vote for Donald Trump?

It's not so much that they made people vote for Trump, but that they utterly failed to rise to the occasion, despite screaming how the stakes were so high.

I really think a lot of the so-called opposition saw Trump as a wedge to selfishly drive support towards their little ideological or personal priorities.

I think the way forward is probably to ditch finger-wagging liberal technocracy and go for a more competent, law-abiding populism, which seeks to strike a compromise that can comfortably get super-majority support (i.e. 60%+ rather than 50%+1) and speak effectively to many of the anxieties Trump harnesses. You're not going to get that by giving to special interest activist organizations.

15. whoknowsidont ◴[] No.42959316[source]
>considering how badly those organizations failed in order to bring us to today.

They don't have that much money.

16. kbelder ◴[] No.42959335[source]
One of the very best things you could do for your cause is to tone down your rhetoric. You're driving far more people away than you're convincing of anything.

There's no shortage of things to criticize Trump for that are clear and hard to argue against. What you're saying is only fuel for the extreme to become more extreme.

replies(3): >>42959591 #>>42960688 #>>42961809 #
17. BadCookie ◴[] No.42959591{3}[source]
I think yostrovs was talking about Musk, not Trump. And calling someone who did two Nazi salutes in front of a crowd “Hitler” is maybe not as unfair as you are making it out to be. My guess is that Musk did it for outrage purposes rather than because he is an actual Nazi, but it’s hard to know really.

Video in case you somehow have not seen the incident I am referring to:

replies(2): >>42961822 #>>42961891 #
18. notfed ◴[] No.42960478{4}[source]
I really disagree with the premise that Kamala acted "too progressive" sounds a little bit ridiculous to even say. The Trump campaign effectively made a mountain out of a molehill, and if it weren't for this molehill, he would have used another, or fabricated one.
19. padolsey ◴[] No.42960670[source]
> Edit: decided I don't want to engage on this issue.

I think I want that on my headstone :p

20. padolsey ◴[] No.42960688{3}[source]
I'm personally ok with such rhetoric when the stakes are high (I am losing hope that "talking nicely/sweetly" to people is _actually_ beneficial, on net), though I think yeh the parent comment could do with more material insight.
replies(1): >>42965134 #
21. cma ◴[] No.42961398{6}[source]
But when Democrats did change course they were blocked because Trump explicitly said Democrats passing something on the issue would hurt his election chances:

> In February 2024 and again in May 2024, Republicans in the Senate blocked a bipartisan border security bill Biden had pushed for to reduce the number of migrants who can claim asylum at the border and provide more money for Customs and Border Protection officials, asylum officers, immigration judges and scanning technology at the border.[79] It also provided for thousands of work visas for migrant spouses of U.S. citizens awaiting immigrant visas, and 250,000 new visas over five years for people seeking to work in the U.S. or join family members.[80] It was negotiated in a bipartisan manner and initially looked like it had the votes to pass until Donald Trump opposed it, citing that it would boost Biden's reelection chances.

He had no political consequence for encouraging blocking it.

replies(1): >>42963223 #
22. yostrovs ◴[] No.42961809{3}[source]
Sorry, my sarcasm got a bit too far.
23. yostrovs ◴[] No.42961822{4}[source]
Why would the video you shared take out the words "from my heart" that were said just before the gesture? Would that maybe change the meaning of the gesture? This is the problem with MSM that makes you actually think you're dealing with Hitler.
replies(2): >>42967196 #>>42975006 #
24. cyberlurker ◴[] No.42961891{4}[source]
If the live audience was outraged by his Nazi salutes, I wouldn’t care so much.

The fact he did two Nazi salutes to an applauding audience with smiles is deeply concerning.

25. returningfory2 ◴[] No.42963223{7}[source]
I agree that Trump's move was very bad, but we know that Biden didn't need a new law to "fix" the situation at the border. After Trump blocked that law, Biden made the executive order that for years he claimed he couldn't make, and then the situation at the border got "better". If Biden had instead made that executive order in, say, Fall 2022, there's a good chance that the situation at the border would not have been as salient in 2024 and Trump wouldn't have been elected. (Or, if Trump was still elected, he wouldn't have a mandate to come down so hard on immigration like he's doing now).

The reason Biden didn't make the executive order earlier is because of pressure from groups like the ACLU. The ACLU was simultaneously telling us that Trump is a threat but also pressuring the administration to keep pursuing policies that were clearly playing right into Trump's reelection campaign.

By the way, the ACLU was also against the border bill that Trump blocked.

replies(1): >>42964602 #
26. lenerdenator ◴[] No.42964602{8}[source]
The border situation is a red herring. I'd say that the transgender issue is too.

The main reason Trump won in 24 because he captured the Great Lakes area. Outside of major cities, there are not large Hispanic communities in the Upper Midwest. Migration has far less of an impact there than, say, inflation. And that's what Trump campaigned on.

Now, did he cause that inflation? Partly. Does the US government have to print off money en masse in order to make up for deficits that have been made larger by three decades of GOP refusal to have an adult conversation about revenue policy? Yes.

Does that matter to the average person in the Upper Midwest? No.

replies(1): >>42966753 #
27. freedomben ◴[] No.42965134{4}[source]
I think you're missing the GP's point. It's when the stakes are high that the rhetoric being reasonable is even more important, thus you should care more during those times. If you disagree with them that's ok, but your comment just reads like you're trying to explain why it's ok instead of engaging on the GP comment.
28. Karrot_Kream ◴[] No.42966753{9}[source]
Trump won by a slight majority. Given how close the race was, I don't think it was any one issue. Inflation was the problem. So was anti-DEI sentiment. So was bending over for donors and journalists who didn't reflect majority sentiment. Any one of those things would have probably helped Harris close the gap.
29. zelphirkalt ◴[] No.42967196{5}[source]
So he did Hitler Gruß from his heart? How am I to interpret that, except even more negatively?

Fact is, one does not simply do a Hitler Gruß without being either extremely dumb or intentionally doing it. Maybe he is both. Nevertheless the influence he has and normalizing this kind of action are scary.

30. pavel_lishin ◴[] No.42974299{4}[source]
31. BadCookie ◴[] No.42975006{5}[source]
I agree that the video I shared should have included those words. But the words do not change the meaning of the gesture, which is very uniquely recognizable and important historically. Doing this gesture during WW2 in the U.S. would’ve led to Elon getting arrested at a minimum, or maybe just shot on the spot based on what I know of this time period. (I would love to hear the opinions of actual historians though.)

Then Elon did not apologize or make any attempt to explain it away, and in fact made jokes about it.

Imagine that you were a neo-Nazi. Would you take this gesture and his lack of apology as a sign that Elon is on your side?

This is also not the first time that Elon has done something like this. His Twitter history is not something I would be proud of.

Anybody who thinks it was accidental seems extremely gullible to me. Nobody does a Nazi salute by accident. A “my heart goes out to you” gesture looks absolutely nothing like this gesture for normal folks.