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miki123211 ◴[] No.42952631[source]
I wish there was a modern "news wire" service to help with this problem.

I'm thinking tweet-sized news stories, a few per day at most, no threads, no images, no links, nothing but 140 characters of pure text. You could even deliver them as texts or unclickable push notifications.

That format heavily discourages clickbait (because there are no clicks to be had) and forces journalists to only include the information that actually matters, with no fluff about how they were sipping hot cocoa in a nice indie restaurant in Montana when talking to the subject of the story, a 38-year-old man wearing a polo shirt.

You could run an operation like this on a shoestring budget, with one or two individuals regurgitating news stories from mainstream sources in a much denser format, minus the outrage. Many, including me, would probably be willing to subscribe.

replies(6): >>42952647 #>>42952812 #>>42952822 #>>42953239 #>>42953477 #>>42954553 #
1. arp242 ◴[] No.42954553[source]
This seems completely pointless as the entire reason of news is to be informed of what's going on, and you can't do that in "tweet-sized news stories". For starters, simple "fact"-based news like "X happened" is really not bias-free, as there is a lot of context on why "X happened", or things leading up to it, or stuff like that.

Never mind of course there is an inherent bias in choosing what to publish and what not to publish.

So it's not forcing journalists to "only include the information that actually matters", it's forcing journalists to exclude tons of information that really does matter. In fact, it's worse than pointless: it's actively harmful to mislead people with these "unbiased facts", because they're not.