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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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mplanchard ◴[] No.42951168[source]
Fresh, local eggs have remained around the same price here. While more expensive than eggs from large producers in normal times, they are now often cheaper.

This is a great reminder of how important it is to support local farmers and small operations, which increase the resilience of the system as a whole.

replies(25): >>42951224 #>>42951379 #>>42951444 #>>42951492 #>>42951499 #>>42951509 #>>42951632 #>>42951842 #>>42951886 #>>42952197 #>>42952363 #>>42952639 #>>42953110 #>>42953883 #>>42953970 #>>42954145 #>>42955219 #>>42955874 #>>42957470 #>>42958089 #>>42958132 #>>42958719 #>>42960897 #>>42960909 #>>43015565 #
likeabatterycar ◴[] No.42952639[source]
Ok, but, you can't feed 340M people with "fresh, local eggs". While it's nice you buy six eggs at a time from Joe Farmer off the back of his '72 Ford, but factory farms are an unfortunate necessity to feed everyone that isn't so privileged.
replies(4): >>42952698 #>>42952990 #>>42954369 #>>42962381 #
mplanchard ◴[] No.42952990[source]
Man, if only it were possible to adjust the number of eggs that we eat in order to account for the increased cost of eggs that are farmed humanely and whose purchase benefits the local economy instead of massive corporate conglomerates. But alas, 340 million souls need their daily eggs.
replies(1): >>42954257 #
1. B-Con ◴[] No.42954257[source]
Your solution to a supply and demand mismatch is that everyone regulate their demand to match the local supply?

Your solution is for a problem that doesn't exist.

replies(1): >>42963220 #
2. mplanchard ◴[] No.42963220[source]
Yes? I know it’s not a popular opinion, but I think that if you can’t produce something ethically at scale, the right thing to do is to produce less, ethically, and for people to consume less of it. For example, I buy more expensive meat from places that treat their animals well, and as a result I eat less meat than I would otherwise.