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zafka ◴[] No.42950100[source]
"93%, maybe 95.2%, of project managers, could disappear tomorrow to either no effect or a net gain in efficiency. (this estimate is up from 4 years ago)"

This made me laugh it is so true. My last big project at "Big Co" ( Knee surgery robot ) My small group went through 4 project managers - just for our small team. The entire project had probably 20. While a few where enjoyable to work with, there was very little value added and a lot of time spent filling them in.

replies(5): >>42950819 #>>42951377 #>>42953349 #>>42953813 #>>42958458 #
1. spc476 ◴[] No.42953813[source]
At $PREVIOUS_JOB, the team I was on worked the best when we had no manager. Or rather, we had a director (who should not have been managing us directly) meet with us once a week to tell us "here's what we're headed ... good?" and let us go work in quiet until the next meeting (or meet with us sooner if something really important cropped up).