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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0.415s | source
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jnmandal ◴[] No.42951404[source]
Meanwhile, my chickens cost exactly the same as they did 12 months ago. :)
replies(2): >>42951600 #>>42954625 #
codingdave ◴[] No.42951600[source]
Which is great, so long as your flock does not get the flu and die.

We have had chickens in the past, and while I fully support anyone wanting to do their own chickens, the level of effort to keep them clean and healthy, safe from predators, and the labor to take care of them is non-trivial. They were the most expensive and labor-intensive "free eggs" we ever had.

replies(2): >>42951689 #>>42952189 #
joe8756438 ◴[] No.42952189[source]
yes. i have a flock and the feed alone puts a doz at $3.

the labor is somewhat enjoyable and the chickens are incredible child-leftover disposal machines. but when you factor infrastructure and labor youll probably never recoup your “investment” in eggs.

for anyone dealing with land predators, get electric poultry net. it’s magic.

replies(1): >>42952985 #
declan_roberts ◴[] No.42952985[source]
Is that true even right now in the winter? My hens are basically pensioners at this point. I'm planning on refreshing the flock this spring.
replies(2): >>42953308 #>>42956613 #
GeoAtreides ◴[] No.42953308[source]
what will it happen with the old hens?
replies(2): >>42953447 #>>42957747 #
1. bombcar ◴[] No.42953447[source]
Most layers do ok the first year, great the second, and then taper off. If you have old crockpot recipes, they can taste great after egg production drops off.

But they can keep laying for quite some time.

You can reduce the feed costs by letting them graze (though even a few chickens will lay waste to an average sized backyard if given the chance) and/or using household food waste.

replies(1): >>42956667 #
2. joe8756438 ◴[] No.42956667[source]
yeah, on a small scale it’s actually pretty easy to make a decent dent in the feed bill. once you get over a dozen hens though it would take a few adults to make enough waste. chickens eat a lot!