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Terr_ ◴[] No.42946597[source]
> Java is a great language because it's boring [...] Types are assertions we make about the world

This is less of a mind-was-changed case and more just controversial, but... Checked Exceptions were a fundamentally good idea. They just needed some syntactic sugar to help redirect certain developers into less self-destructive ways of procrastinating on proper error handling.

In brief for non-Java folks: Checked Exceptions are a subset of all Exceptions. To throw them, they must be part of the function's type signature. To call that function, the caller code must make some kind of decision about what to do when that Checked Exception arrives. [0] It's basically another return type for the method, married with the conventions and flow-control features of Exceptions.

[0] Ex: Let it bubble up unimpeded, adding it to your own function signature; catch it and wrap it in your own exception with a type more appropriate to the layer of abstraction; catch it and log it; catch it and ignore it... Alas, many caught it and wrapped it in a generic RuntimeException.

replies(13): >>42946899 #>>42946979 #>>42947054 #>>42947147 #>>42947485 #>>42947568 #>>42948130 #>>42948153 #>>42948666 #>>42951688 #>>42952999 #>>42953957 #>>42984777 #
baq ◴[] No.42947568[source]
> adding it to your own function signature

This is precisely why they are so bad: checked exceptions must not be allowed to be used outside the package (or jar, or whatever, just limit it) otherwise they cause non-local build failures in all dependencies. They're fine if you are developing the artifact that's going to be deployed.

replies(2): >>42949399 #>>42950468 #
catlifeonmars ◴[] No.42949399[source]
I think that’s more of a problem of changing the function signature. Not specific to checked exceptions.
replies(1): >>42949639 #
baq ◴[] No.42949639[source]
What's specific in checked exceptions is that if you don't handle or silently ignore the new exception, you must change the signature. Then your callers must do the same thing. Then their callers etc. sometimes right down to your public static void main.
replies(2): >>42949717 #>>42952933 #
Terr_ ◴[] No.42952933[source]
And that is extremely good compared to the same function-writer adding or changing their non-checked exception, for which an 1+ levels removed consumer gets no warning at all until the pager goes off because the system broke in production.
replies(1): >>42953062 #
baq ◴[] No.42953062[source]
Unless the library upgrade is also fixing a 9.9 CVE.
replies(1): >>42953429 #
1. Terr_ ◴[] No.42953429[source]
That same scenario (an emergency version-change to a direct dependency) could also remove a function that your code calls! Yet that does not mean mean compiler-checks are bad, or that the solution is to make a system that lets you yeet it into production anyway.

Look, I get it: Sometimes a Checked Exception defined in a niche spot "infects" higher-level code which adds it to their signatures, because nobody takes the time to convert it into something more layer-appropriate.

But that is the exact same kind of problem you'd also get when library's NicheCalculationResult class is trickling upwards without conversion too! However nobody freaks out over that one. Not because it's mechanically different, but because it's familiar.

replies(1): >>42953897 #
2. baq ◴[] No.42953897[source]
> That same scenario (an emergency version-change to a direct dependency) could also remove a function that your code calls!

absolutely, but the catch is it doesn't affect me transitively. the immediate caller must deal with the issue somehow. with exceptions, it is expected to not handle the ones you have no business handling, so you should change your signature. this propagates upwards and there is no layer of abstraction that can handle this problem without breaking the world. the only somewhat sane way is wrapping the new exception is something that you already handle - if that makes logical sense, which it very well might not.

> NicheCalculationResult class is trickling upwards

yes, and yes people do freak out, not sure why you think they aren't :)