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imjonse ◴[] No.42947407[source]
> ORMs are the devil in all languages and all implementations. Just write the damn SQL

It depends on what you're writing. I've seen enough projects writing raw SQL because of aversion to ORMs being bogged down in reinventing a lot of what ORMs offer. Like with other choices it is too often a premature optimization (for perf or DX) and a sign of prioritizing a sense of craftsmanship at the expense of the deliverables and the sanity of other team members.

replies(8): >>42947752 #>>42947978 #>>42948317 #>>42948504 #>>42953164 #>>42954817 #>>42956074 #>>42956308 #
1. nodamage ◴[] No.42953164[source]
I've never understood the ORM hate because a good ORM will get out of the way and let you write raw SQL when necessary while still offering all of the benefits you get out of an ORM when working with query results:

1. Mapping result rows back to objects, especially from joins where you will get back multiple rows per "object" that need to be collated.

2. Automatic handling of many-to-many relationships so you don't have to track which ids to add/remove from the join table yourself.

3. Identity mapping so if you query for the same object in different parts of your UI you always get the same underlying instance back.

4. Unit of work tracking so if you modify two properties of one object and one property of another the correct SQL is issued to only update those three particular columns.

5. Object change events so if you fetch a list of objects to display in the UI and some other part of your UI (or a background thread) add/updates/deletes an object, your list is automatically updated.

6. And finally in cases where your SQL is dynamic having a query builder is way cleaner than concatenating strings together.

For those who are against ORMs I am curious how you deal with these problems instead.

replies(1): >>42959318 #
2. priyadi ◴[] No.42959318[source]
You are describing data mapper ORMs, a.k.a the good ORM. I think all the other ORM-loathing guys here had bad experiences with active record ORMs, a.k.a the bad ORM.

Also, infrastructure guys and DBA types tend not to like ORMs. But they are not the ones trying to manage the complexity in the business process. They just see our queries are not optimal, and it is everything to them.

replies(3): >>42959735 #>>42960026 #>>42960101 #
3. nodamage ◴[] No.42959735[source]
Yes I suspect a lot of the ORM hate comes 1) from people using poorly designed ones or 2) from people working on projects that don't really require the features I mentioned. Like if you are generating reports that just issue a bunch of queries and then dump the results to the screen you probably don't care that much about the lifetime of what you've retrieved. But just because an ORM might not be the right tool for your project doesn't make it a bad tool overall, that would be like saying hammers are bad tools because they can't be used to screw in screws.
4. whilenot-dev ◴[] No.42960026[source]
Oh was I enthusiastic when I first got my hands on an active record ORM: "I can use all my usual objects and it'll manage the SQL for me? Wow!". That enthusiasm reached rock bottom rather quickly as soon as I wanted to fine tune things. Turns out I'm not a fan of mutating hierarchical objects and then calling a magical .commit()-method on it, or worse: letting the ORM do it implicitly. That abstraction is just not for me and I'd rather get my hands "dirty" writing SQL, I guess.
5. globular-toast ◴[] No.42960101[source]
Right! They should really be considered two different things. I've worked a lot with Django (the bad type) which people tend to love, but I've seen the horrors that it can produce. What they seem to love about it is being able to write ridiculously complicated SQL using ridiculously complicated Python. I don't get it. These types of ORMs don't even fully map to objects. The "objects" it gives you are nothing more than database rows, so it's all at the same abstraction level as SQL, but it just looks like Python. It's crazy.

SQLAlchemy is the real deal, but it's more difficult and people prefer easy.