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yowayb ◴[] No.42949712[source]
Those of us in the west tend to forget that much of what we see is a form of propaganda, whether by governments or businesses, or even a large number of people. When you keep this in mind, everything you see becomes an opinion and your mind can comfortably (or at least not emotionally/hurriedly) form your own opinion over time.
replies(9): >>42949944 #>>42949956 #>>42950292 #>>42953321 #>>42954164 #>>42954171 #>>42954445 #>>42955648 #>>42956301 #
browningstreet ◴[] No.42949956[source]
I agree that most messaging is propaganda, but that doesn't really counter the real pain that is being inflicted upon large populations of people by these government (and corporate) moves, and being cheered on by pretty large masses of people. The propaganda is like environmental pollution -- hard not to breathe it in. That said, I have no answer here..
replies(5): >>42950249 #>>42952440 #>>42953345 #>>42954329 #>>42961193 #
jfkrrorj ◴[] No.42952440[source]
How about you read actual news, not already half-digested propaganda vomit? You do not have to live in polluted wasteland of western media propaganda! Big media failed 1000x since war on terror, and Bush lies, yet you still consume their shit!

Simplest way is to read media from independent country. India is good, perhaps Arabic countries.

Next level are independent channels on Telegram and Youtube. 10 min daily summary on war situation goes very long way.

replies(1): >>42952748 #
1. justin66 ◴[] No.42952748[source]
> Simplest way is to read media from independent country. India is good, perhaps Arabic countries.

It's interesting that you listed India first. The English-language news source that pops up most often via Google News is the Hindustan Times, which is hot garbage. Are there any Indian sources that are much, much better than that which you recommend?

replies(1): >>42952979 #
2. jfkrrorj ◴[] No.42952979[source]
Honestly no idea, I followed this rabbit hole many years ago.

Hindustan times seems like a rag, like British Sun.

I guess I would recommend to take some event that happened 2 years ago, find how some papers wrote about it back then, and if you like it, follow them.

My point is there is no reason to stay in toxic relationship. There is no reason to read news if you do not get any rewards. Even monthly AI summaries will be better, and you will stay "informed".

For example all the Trump shit today, he wants legal precedents from constitutional court, 90% of this shit is irrelevant.