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Eggs US – Price – Chart

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davidw ◴[] No.42951629[source]
I've been fiddling around with the Albertsons API for fun. It's kind of neat to see a whole year's worth of purchases in nicely formatted JSON.

I have half an idea to create something like a personal inflation tracker, but I'm still thinking about it.

It's entirely possible that these goons will start fiddling with official statistics around things like unemployment and inflation to tell us that inflation is not actually happening any more and that therefore we must cut interest rates, or some such.

replies(7): >>42951750 #>>42951783 #>>42952156 #>>42953163 #>>42953212 #>>42953619 #>>42959477 #
duxup ◴[] No.42951783[source]
Changing data doesn't seem like their style, I suspect the pattern for this administration (based on past history):

1. Simply drop the topic and ignore it / drop the topic (arresting Hillary, china tariffs, etc).

2. Declare the problem fixed and again ignore it.

3. Blame the boogieman of the moment.

And as usual just behave like children in order to fill the airways / distract.

replies(1): >>42952198 #
9283409232 ◴[] No.42952198[source]
Trump's last administration drew on a NOAA hurricane map with a sharpie to try to convince people he was not wrong about a hurricane path. Changing data is his style.
replies(1): >>42952235 #
1. duxup ◴[] No.42952235[source]
I honestly think that one was ignorance more than direct malice. I think he is in fact as ignorant / incurious as he seems.
replies(3): >>42952252 #>>42952282 #>>42964181 #
2. 9283409232 ◴[] No.42952252[source]
Both are bad. Trump was wrong because he was speaking on outdated information but he wouldn't accept that he was wrong so his administration created some data so he could say he was right.
replies(2): >>42952550 #>>42952946 #
3. chneu ◴[] No.42952282[source]
Stop making excuses for an abuser who has repeatedly shown he isn't as stupid as he'd like you to think he is.
replies(1): >>42952314 #
4. duxup ◴[] No.42952314[source]
It's not "making excuses" I genuinely think what I said.

This kinda recrimination and such aren't helping anything.

replies(1): >>42954212 #
5. duxup ◴[] No.42952550[source]
Certainly bad. Arguably stupid is even more dangerous.
6. jcranmer ◴[] No.42952946[source]
> he was speaking on outdated information

I don't think there was ever any information, outdated or otherwise, that suggested that the hurricane was going to hit Alabama. The theory I've heard that the makes the most sense is that Trump saw a report about the damage it was going to inflict on the Bahamas, mixed up Alabama and Bahamas, tweeted condolences to Alabama, and the administration tried to defend his mix-up by concocting fake information to explain it.

(In many respects, if he had just quietly dropped the matter, it would have been largely ignored since it was cleared up pretty quickly; it was the childish response to try to justify why it wasn't a mistake that made it such an issue.)

7. ModernMech ◴[] No.42954212{3}[source]
What was your purpose in saying you think it's ignorance more than malice? What did you actually want to communicate with that statement?
replies(2): >>42954630 #>>42954715 #
8. duxup ◴[] No.42954630{4}[source]
I intended to convey that I think it was more likely ignorance than malice.
9. unregistereddev ◴[] No.42954715{4}[source]
I would venture a guess that they wanted to communicate their opinion that it's ignorance more than malice.

Please do not escalate into a flame war.

10. mindslight ◴[] No.42964181[source]
Another data point that stuck with me: viewing an eclipse by making a pinhole in paper and looking directly through it at the sun.