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643 points throwaway5752 | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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cortesoft ◴[] No.42951014[source]
Yeah, bird flu is really bad.
replies(7): >>42951084 #>>42951089 #>>42951101 #>>42951106 #>>42951123 #>>42951207 #>>42951225 #
llamaimperative ◴[] No.42951089[source]
This is why we must freeze USDA funding, halt all public health communications from our federal government, and urgently (TOP PRIORITY!!!) scrub all mentions of the word "women" from every public-facing piece of scientific content we can find.
replies(5): >>42951144 #>>42951148 #>>42951175 #>>42951214 #>>42951919 #
Spivak ◴[] No.42951144[source]
I did think it was funny that they included 'women' and 'female' in that list. Medicine is gonna have a hard time with that one, "this drug has some adverse effects with uhh… ovulating persons?"
replies(5): >>42951156 #>>42951188 #>>42951302 #>>42951730 #>>42952945 #
jl6 ◴[] No.42951730[source]
They didn’t include 'women' and 'female' in that list.
replies(1): >>42952104 #
1. llamaimperative ◴[] No.42952104[source]
Consider for a moment: what if it did include those terms? What do you think it'd indicate if some hypothetical government decided to hunt down those words across the scientific literature and subject them to review? Would that indicate something meaningful to you?

Now keep that thought in mind... and now acknowledge that that hypothetical government is actually the current one.

Pay close attention to what your mind is doing and let us know if you notice any interesting contortions that somehow draw a line between the obviously fucking insane hypothetical government you were imagining a second ago and the current real one. Report back!


replies(1): >>42953099 #
2. jl6 ◴[] No.42953099[source]
There is no executive order banning use of the words women and female.
replies(1): >>42954608 #
3. llamaimperative ◴[] No.42954608[source]
Thanks for sharing your contortions! Honestly impressed with your candor, I appreciate it.
replies(1): >>42955598 #
4. jl6 ◴[] No.42955598{3}[source]
I replied to someone who thought the words had been banned and scientists would have to use phrases like “ovulating person”.

It seemed to be based on taking your post (“scrub all mentions of the word "women"”) at face value.

You understand now that that isn’t true? That the word “women” is not being scrubbed, and nobody has asked for it to be scrubbed?