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643 points throwaway5752 | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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cortesoft ◴[] No.42951014[source]
Yeah, bird flu is really bad.
replies(7): >>42951084 #>>42951089 #>>42951101 #>>42951106 #>>42951123 #>>42951207 #>>42951225 #
throwaway5752 ◴[] No.42951106[source]
What is the executive branch of the government doing about H5N1 currently? I have not seen any press releases or statements about it.

edit: I'm not being facetious, and don't welcome flippant replies. I'm genuinely interested, since I haven't seen any updates and have well-founded reasons to be skeptical this is getting the necessary attention.

replies(7): >>42951138 #>>42951142 #>>42951202 #>>42951301 #>>42951307 #>>42951448 #>>42951538 #
AuryGlenz ◴[] No.42951301[source]
What, exactly, should they do? At this point it's pretty much just on the producers to protect their flocks.
replies(1): >>42951605 #
llamaimperative ◴[] No.42951605[source]
One smart thing would be: don't actively disrupt -- and perhaps even accelerate -- clinical trials for H5N1 vaccines.

But uh... I don't see that happening.

replies(1): >>42951941 #
1. AuryGlenz ◴[] No.42951941[source]
We already have vaccines (some countries use them) and I've seen no evidence that the investigations into newer vaccines have been hampered in any way.