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Eggs US – Price – Chart

643 points throwaway5752 | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0.944s | source
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jillyboel[dead post] ◴[] No.42951212[source]
1. gjsman-1000 ◴[] No.42951278[source]
Hacker News is not the place for cheap political shots; especially as by any objective measure, two weeks is insufficient for any specific promise regarding pricing to be immediately felt.
replies(1): >>42951298 #
2. jillyboel ◴[] No.42951298[source]
It's not a "cheap political shot". He literally promised that prices would be lowered day 1 of his presidency.

> When I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on Day One

These are his own words. What happened?


replies(1): >>42951320 #
3. wat10000 ◴[] No.42951362{3}[source]
Good luck finding any hardcore Biden fans. This is not the zinger you think it is.
4. undersuit ◴[] No.42951418{3}[source]
He kept that promise. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/22289746/biden-immig...
5. nosioptar ◴[] No.42951432{3}[source]
Republicans tanked the bipartisan immigration bill because trump didn't like it.
