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641 points shortformblog | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0.701s | source
1. S_Bear ◴[] No.42950796[source]
Now if only whoever owns the rights (Fox? Disney?) would follow suit and drop the old Fox TV catalog (Herman's Head. Whoops!, Parker Lewis Can't Lose) on youtube so I could rewatch the shows I loved as a kid, but never stream anywhere.
replies(2): >>42950940 #>>42957191 #
2. kindatrue ◴[] No.42950940[source]
The problem might be music rights clearance if they used a lot of contemporary music from actual artists.
3. extraduder_ire ◴[] No.42957191[source]
Have you tried finding a pirated copy anywhere? I went through an ordeal trying to find the original 60s batman show online for someone, since most available versions were the versions edited down to fit the increased number of ads in the 80s.

I am pretty sure what was syndicated and shown on TV here was the original 60s cut though, since we have far fewer ads than the US.