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v3ss0n ◴[] No.42947713[source]
>People who stress over code style, linting rules, or other minutia remain insane weirdos to me. Focus on more important things.

This sticks out like sore thumb to me and I think you are coding solo for 10 years. If you manage to lead a team of developers or work with them you are screwed without linting rules and standardized code style. Even if they are applied it takes months to get to a get a team working in harmony - without them it will be a disaster.

- merge conflict hells because code style diferences - bad for code reviewers - bad to ready everyone's different code sytles.

replies(1): >>42947883 #
pjc50 ◴[] No.42947883[source]
He's not saying you shouldn't do it, he's saying you shouldn't stress over it. The "run the language's standard formatter before commit and then get on with your life" approach.
replies(2): >>42948208 #>>42949337 #
v3ss0n ◴[] No.42948208[source]
Everyone on the team need to agree to the linting rules before using linters. Else they will keep wirting their code according to their habits , and then they start to modify the rule that dosen't fit their bad habits when linters hints to fix the code.

> run the language's standard formatter

Even with very smart linters like `ruff` it cannot fix all of the linting errors. You have to hand fix many of them.

What linter do you use that can just run and forget?

replies(1): >>42949299 #
1. pjc50 ◴[] No.42949299[source]
Dotnet-format for formatting. Can auto fix.

Sonarqube for linting. It's more annoying and not auto fixing, but it achieves the goal of avoiding arguments and does catch some bugs.

replies(1): >>42957769 #
2. v3ss0n ◴[] No.42957769[source]
In python and js sonarcube sucks. Ruff and Biome are perfect but still need manual fixes