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GuB-42 ◴[] No.42948407[source]
Just personal opinions, I guess, I agree with most, but here are some I disagree with:

- There is no pride in managing or understanding complexity

Complexity exists, you can't make it go away, managing it and understanding it is the only thing you can do. Simple systems only displace complexity.

- Java is a great language because it's boring

That is if you write Java the boring way. A lot of Java code (looking at you Spring) is everything but boring, and it is not fun either.

- Most programming should be done long before a single line of code is written

I went the opposite extreme. That is, if you are not writing code, you are not programming. If you are not writing code on your first day your are wasting time. It is a personal opinion, but the idea is that without doing something concrete, i.e. writing code, it is too easy to lose track of the reality, the reality being that in the end, you will have a program that runs on a machine. It doesn't mean you will have to keep that code.

- Formal modeling and analysis is an essential skill set

Maybe that explains our difference with regard to the last point. Given the opportunity, I prefer try stuff rather than formalize. It is not that formal modeling is useless, it is just less essential to me than experimentation. To quote Don Knuth out of context: "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." ;)

- You literally cannot add too many comments to test code (I challenge anyone to try)

time++; // increment time

replies(5): >>42948448 #>>42949655 #>>42949715 #>>42951149 #>>42963604 #
1. snapcaster ◴[] No.42948448[source]
I agree with you, i'm much more on the "try stuff out" scale vs. formal methods. That being said, i've worked with people who are the other way and still very effective. I think this one is more of a trade-off or personality thing than something that's "true" or "false"
replies(1): >>42949294 #
2. AnimalMuppet ◴[] No.42949294[source]
I agree with you that personality plays a role. But regardless of which way your personality pushes you:

You can never think enough up front to know all you need to know, or even 95%. You're not omniscient enough, and you never will be. Big Design Up Front fails because of this - you have to be able to iterate.

You also have to know what you're trying to build, and at least roughly how you're going to build it. If you don't, no amount of iteration and experimentation will enable you to converge on a solution. You need to experiment and iterate and explore within at least a sketch of a larger picture, not on a blank canvas.

replies(1): >>42950099 #
3. snapcaster ◴[] No.42950099[source]
True, the extreme version of any of these is usually wrong