I'm 30 years in now, and on balance, whilst they have clear advantages, I'm still not convinced that typed languages are essential, particularly for low level or module programming.
I'm 30 years in now, and on balance, whilst they have clear advantages, I'm still not convinced that typed languages are essential, particularly for low level or module programming.
One of these days I'd like to see a "typed assembler". It still matters what the contents of registers mean, even if they all look the same to the instruction set.
Dynamic languages work great for scripting and rapid prototyping, but if you are working with a team maintaining a large monolith, I would rather have a statically typed language and avoid at least a class of runtime issues due to dynamic typing.
Case in point, I love writing my Jupyter notebooks with Python but am amazed that entire platforms like Dropbox (and instagram?) chose Python as their default language.
Do you think the Linux kernel could be written in a language without types enforced?