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scrapcode ◴[] No.42942555[source]
I can't help but feel that Git has completely missed the forest through the trees that you can make a 30+ part guide explaining how to use it.
replies(6): >>42942641 #>>42942672 #>>42942768 #>>42943372 #>>42950299 #>>42954886 #
ajross ◴[] No.42942768[source]
My sense, bluntly, is that if people spent half the effort learning git that they do whining about it, no one would bother making a 30+ part guide just explaining stuff you could find in a man page.

Commits are snapshots of a tree. They have a list of ancestors (usually, but not always, just one). Tags are named pointers to a commit that don't change. Branches are named pointers to a commit that do change. The index is a tiny proto-commit still in progress that you "add" to before committing.

There. That's git. Want to know more? Don't read the guide, just google "how to I switch to a specific git commit without affecting my tree?", or "how do I commit only some of my changed files?", or "how to I copy this commit from another place into my current tree?".

The base abstractions are minimalist and easy. The things you want to do with them are elaborate and complicated. Learn the former, google the latter. Don't read guides.

replies(7): >>42942804 #>>42942870 #>>42943548 #>>42944155 #>>42944541 #>>42946116 #>>42946888 #
chasil ◴[] No.42942870[source]
The deal killer for me, the inescapable aspect of my users, is that they insist upon checking passwords into revision control.

Because the C and PL/SQL people are on CVS, I can fix this with vi on the ,v archive.

First on TFS repositories, and now with git grep I can easily find exposed passwords for many things. But it's just SQL Server!

We will never be able to use git responsibly, so I will peruse this guide with academic interest.

Don't even get me started on secrecy management.

I am looking forward to retirement!

replies(2): >>42943235 #>>42944662 #
rswail ◴[] No.42944662[source]
Sounds like you need a pre-commit hook to check.
replies(1): >>42945750 #
maccard ◴[] No.42945750{3}[source]
Pre commit hooks aren’t enforcable. People need to opt in to them, and the people who opt in to them are the people who will check for passwords before they commit.
replies(1): >>42946680 #
1. n_plus_1_acc ◴[] No.42946680{4}[source]
Server-side pre-recieve hooks are better