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617 points jbegley | 5 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
1. QjdgatkH ◴[] No.42942282[source]
A country that now threatens the annexation of Greenland and advocates for a complete resettlement of all Palestinians to Jordan and Egypt certainly needs weapons for crowd control.

These weapons could also come in handy domestically if people find out that both parties screw them all the time.

I wonder why people claim that China is a threat out side of economics. Has China tried to invade the US? Has Russia tried to invade the EU? The answer is no. The only current threats to the EU come from the orange man.

The same person who also revoked the INF treaty. The US now installs intermediate range nuclear missiles in Europe. Russia does so in Belarus.

So both great powers have convenient whipping boys to be nuked first, after which they will get second thoughts.

It is beyond ridiculous that both the US and Russia constantly claim that they are in danger, when all international crises in the last 40 years have been started by one of them.

replies(2): >>42943062 #>>42943575 #
2. reissbaker ◴[] No.42943062[source]
"Russia hasn't tried to invade the EU" is quite weasel-word-y. They certainly have invaded countries in Europe, specifically Ukraine; the only reason they didn't invade countries in the European Union itself is that would trigger a war that they would face massive casualties from and inevitably lose, in part due to NATO alliances.

Military power is what has kept the EU safe, and countries without strong enough military power — such as Ukraine, which naively gave up its nuclear arsenal in the 90s in exchange for Russian promises to not invade — are repeatedly battered by the power-hungry.

replies(1): >>42955624 #
3. LexGray ◴[] No.42943575[source]
Isn’t China building a large modern sea fleet and increasing military pressure on many of our allies? I would not call that threat illusionary. Also their economic policies are very predatory where they support other countries in exchange for things which cannot be taken back. Why invade when you can just take what you need.

The orange man is completely ineffectual on both fronts. Will not spend the money on the military and too inept to make a deal that doesn’t cost in the long run.

4. 4gotunameagain ◴[] No.42955624[source]
While framing Ukraine as a European country is not weasel-word-y ?

Would you say that the chances / motives / possibilities to invade Ukraine is remotely comparable with any other European country ?

And no, Turkey for example is not a European country.

replies(1): >>42986016 #
5. _Tev ◴[] No.42986016{3}[source]
I have not seen anyone else claim that Ukraine is not an European country.

As for chance / motive to invade other European countries - for some reason Baltic states feel very threatened by Russia. Try to understand their reasons why.