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1062 points mixto | 9 comments | | HN request time: 0.446s | source | bottom
1. pkage ◴[] No.42941699[source]
I remember reading the excellent Beej's Guide to Network Programming[0] and Beej's Guide to Unix IPC[1] as a teenager, which were incredibly approachable while still having depth—fantastic reads both and very influential on the programmer I ended up being.

[0] https://beej.us/guide/bgnet/ [1] https://beej.us/guide/bggit/

replies(7): >>42942718 #>>42943039 #>>42943242 #>>42943468 #>>42944509 #>>42945938 #>>42946491 #
2. 1propionyl ◴[] No.42942718[source]
+1, I have almost exactly the same story!

(I didn't read the IPC guide.)

3. nektro ◴[] No.42943039[source]
[1] https://beej.us/guide/bgipc/
replies(1): >>42944095 #
4. soseng ◴[] No.42943242[source]
Same here! I was also a teenager in the mid-90s. And I was amazed by IRCd server code and bots. I bought a used copy of the book Slackware Linux unleashed w/CD-ROM and it had some networking code examples in C. I found Beej's Networking site because I was confused by a lot of that networking code. Became even more obsessed and went a deep rabbit hole. I spent a lot of time visiting different book stores hoping they had programming books. Bought Richard Stevens' amazing reference books and never looked back. Thanks for enabling my passion all these years later Beej!
5. matt3210 ◴[] No.42943468[source]
I had no idea about IPC! I better go read it!
6. pkage ◴[] No.42944095[source]
mispasted, thanks!
7. riffraff ◴[] No.42944509[source]
I remember translating Beej's network guide to Italian while learning how to use select, which I wanted to learn to make some port scanner ("grabb' I think?) go faster. Fun times.
8. randstring ◴[] No.42945938[source]
Indeed, my first steps in network programming years ago were with the help of this excellent guide.
9. tathagatadg ◴[] No.42946491[source]
Came here to see if it was the same person, though I felt very sure with the throwback web design - back when each page had its character, and you had to save the page for offline reading so that Dad wasn't pissed at the phone bill! And when the code worked - it was validation against all the previous failures (and rejections) in life! Oh the joy of sending message from one computer to the other!

Thank you Beej.