Who, in that business, cares?
AI will provide a fig leaf for the indiscriminate large scale killing that is regularly done since the start of industrialised warfare.
Using robots spare drone pilots from PTSD
From the perspective of the murderous thugs that run our nations (way way before the current bunch of plainly bonkers ones in the USA), what is not to like?
Whilst there are all sorts of quibbles about weapons generally being evil, this is evil.
Imagine you have a weapon that can find and kill all the 'bad guys'. Would you not be in a morally compromised position if you didn't use it? You're letting innocents die every moment you don't.
* warning definitions of bad guys may differ leading to further conflict.
> Moreover, the Israeli army systematically attacked the targeted individuals while they were in their homes — usually at night while their whole families were present — rather than during the course of military activity.
For example the most advanced batteries in the world are designed and manufactured in China.
In fact, when you look at the last decade of Google saying they're an "AI first" company and literally inventing transformers, and look at what their stock price has done and how they've performed in relation to other major companies involved in this current AI spring, there is simply no way not to be disappointed.
Right, and everytime that happens because of miscalculations by our government they lose the very real and important public license to continue. Ultimately modern wars led by democracies are won by public desire to continue them. The American public can become very hesitant to wage war very fast, if we unleash Minority Report on the world for revenge