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themanmaran ◴[] No.42935503[source]
I'm surprised that the article (and comments) haven't mentioned Cursor.

Agreed that copy pasting context in and out of ChatGPT isn't the fastest workflow. But Cursor has been a major speed up in the way I write code. And it's primarily through a chat interface, but with a few QOL hacks that make it way faster:

1. Output gets applied to your file in a git-diff style. So you can approve/deny changes.

2. It (kinda) has context of your codebase so you don't have to specify as much. Though it works best when you explicitly tag files ("Use the utils from @src/utils/currency.ts")

3. Directly inserting terminal logs or type errors into the chat interface is incredibly convenient. Just hover over the error and click the "add to chat"

replies(8): >>42935579 #>>42935604 #>>42935621 #>>42935766 #>>42935845 #>>42937616 #>>42938713 #>>42939579 #
1. mkozlows ◴[] No.42938713[source]
Windsurf is even moreso this way -- it'll look through your codebase trying to find the right files to inspect, it runs the build/test stuff and examines the output to see what went wrong.

I found interacting with it via chat to be super-useful and a great way to get stuff done. Yeah, sometimes you just have to drop into the code, and tag a particular line and say "this isn't going to work, rewrite it to do x" (or rewrite it yourself), but the ability to do that doesn't vitiate the value of the chat.