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1459 points Group_B | 8 comments | | HN request time: 0.566s | source | bottom
1. ya1sec ◴[] No.42938061[source]
Awesome. I have a project with a similar tik-tok-esque philosophy for serving all sorts of noncommercial content from the web. The interface is one button and a random page is embedded in an iframe. I use random wikipedia pages as a fallback in case my algorithm returns a dead page.

I call it moonjump: https://moonjump.app/

replies(5): >>42938089 #>>42938276 #>>42939402 #>>42940989 #>>42947671 #
2. sgt ◴[] No.42938089[source]
I tried that and I was immediately taken to "the best place in the world to have herpes". I didn't click.
replies(1): >>42938110 #
3. ya1sec ◴[] No.42938110[source]
hahahha. try the search engine - it uses the marginalia API and will select a random result to embed. maybe don't search for herpes though.
4. Tijdreiziger ◴[] No.42938276[source]
Pretty nice! Reminds me of StumbleUpon.
replies(1): >>42938654 #
5. ya1sec ◴[] No.42938654[source]
Yeah, pretty similar to StumbleUpon. Right now the links are sourced from a handful of are.na channels and some other collections of content. I plan on warehousing this data and tagging it such that users can configure categories of sites that they'd like to stumble upon. HN submissions are mixed into the algorithm as well.
6. extraduder_ire ◴[] No.42939402[source]
Cool. I immediately recognized the melonking loading gif.
7. aizk ◴[] No.42940989[source]
No way, StumbleUpon? I remember that site when I was a kid. Good memories.
8. therealfiona ◴[] No.42947671[source]
This is awesome. I've been passively looking for a Stumbleupon replacement, but never stumble upon it. Thank you for posting here. You have given me back a slice of old internet.