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858 points cryptophreak | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.213s | source
1. sprucevoid ◴[] No.42937358[source]
I find web chat interfaces very useful for programming, but it also feels like early days. Speedups will smooth out a lot of pain points. But other UI changes, some even quite small, could enhance use a lot. A few of various size top of mind with regard to Claude web chat UI specifically:

- intellisense in the inputbox based on words in this or all previous chats and a user customizable word list

- user customizable buttons and keyboard shortcuts for common quick replies, like "explain more".

- when claude replies with a numbered list of alternatives let me ctrl+click a number to fork the chat with continued focus on that alternative in a new tab.

- a custom right click menu with action for selection (or if no selection claude can guess the context e.g. the clicked paragraph) such as "new chat with selection", "explain" and some user customizable quick replies

- make the default download filenames follow a predicable pattern, claude currently varies it too much e.g. "cloud-script.py" jumps to "cloud-script-errorcheck.py". I've tried prompting a format but claude seems to forget that.

- the stop button should always instantly stop claude in its tracks. Currently it sometimes takes time to get claude to stop thinking.

- when a claude reply first generates code in the right sidebar followed by detailed explanation text in the chat, let some keyboard shortcut instantly stop the explanation in its tracks. Let the same shortcut preempt that explanation while the sidebar code is still generating.

- chat history search is very basic. Add andvanced search features, like filter by date first/last message and OR search operator

- batch jobs and tagging for chat history. E.g. batch apply a prompt to generate a summary in each selected chat and then add the tag "summary" to them. Let us then browse by tag(s).

- tools to delete parts of a chat history thread, that in hindsight were detours

- more generally, maybe a "chat history chat" to have Claude apply changes to the chat histories