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1459 points Group_B | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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duxup ◴[] No.42936755[source]
I like the idea, but one thing about Wikipedia is that with technical or granular topics it approaches things in a focused way. A specific molecular biology term's page isn't there to explain exactly how it fits into a larger biology topic. It makes random pages difficult to glean information from.

Even wikipedia articles I understand, more on computer topics, fall into the category of "the only people who understand this page are people who ... already understand it / don't need to read this".

Granted sometimes the social media context is kinda opaque, but usually "man fall down it funny" is pretty universal.

replies(5): >>42936967 #>>42937310 #>>42937786 #>>42939845 #>>42946568 #
1. layman51 ◴[] No.42937310[source]
Some other commenters have offered the idea of an algorithm to steer the randomness of the articles. I wonder if an algorithm would help with this issue of having random articles be too technical for you even though you are interested in the larger topic.