> Narrative is a famously flawed way to communicate or record the real world.
...and yet with it's flaws, it's the most flexible in conveying meaning. A Ted Chiang interview was on the HN frontpage a few days ago, in it, he mentions that humans created multiple precise, unambiguous communication modes like equations used in mathematical papers and proofs. But those same papers are not 100% equations, the mathematicians have to fall back to flawed language to describe and provide context because those formal languages only capture a smaller range of human thought compared to natural language.
This is not to say chat has the best ergonomics for development - it's not, but one has to remember that the tools are based on Large Language Models whose one-trick is manipulating language. Better ergonomics would likely come from models trained or fine-tuned on AST-tokens and diffs. They'd still need to modulate on language (understanding requirements, hints, variable names,and authoring comments, commits and/or PRs).