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927 points smallerfish | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
1. openrisk ◴[] No.42927327[source]
Imagine if the amount of ingenuity that went into building the elaborate speculative digital game that is crypto was actually used to lift underdeveloped countries from their misery. Fighting corruption, enabling healthier local economies, reducing the siphoning of wealth to offshore centers, improving financial literacy etc. etc.

Solving real problems is hard. Being distracted by snake oil salesmen, whether they sell digital scarcity or AGI only makes things worse.

replies(1): >>42927407 #
2. coliveira ◴[] No.42927407[source]
Especially when to maintain their Ponzy scheme, crypto players need to use an enormous amount of electricity that could be used to benefit humanity. It is a huge waste or energy and time.
replies(1): >>42934587 #
3. desumeku ◴[] No.42934587[source]
Bitcoin is the only large crypto that still uses Proof of Work. Almost all competitors use Proof of Stake, which uses almost no energy in comparison.