>fairer way to help people than trying to do it with other people’s wealthThat "other people's wealth" you're talking about is everyone's wealth.
Billionaires stole the profits of our work from us, and they didn't do it fairly.
I feel you underestimate how much a billion dollars is.
Nobody in history has ever worked hard enough to earn a billion dollars fairly.
It's crazy to me that you'd defend these people who have corrupted and degraded the entire system - the government, the finance sector, the media - to only favor holding everyone else to ransom. Not producing but holding. Societal wealth stolen without paying tax to benefit society. People didn't choose this.
I'm not starving, sure. And I'd be absolutely fine paying significantly more tax than I am now.
But I'm not about to voluntarily donate while I am still forced to work towards retirement, and there are people controlling literally 10,000 times more assets than I am that pay zero tax.
Do you not see the inevitable outcome of that?
You and your children, and their children, will own nothing because the super-rich will outbid you and everyone else for everything.
Food, houses, cars, travel, hotels, healthcare, medicine. EVERYTHING.
You will be poor. The rich is a tiny club and you're not in it.
Everyone, even the wealthy ones here on hn will eventually succumb. You will be outbid for everything.
You will have to sell your house to afford necessities while all your work goes towards luxuries for oligarchs.
There must be some mechanism to limit wealth or that is the inevitable outcome.
Here's a little thought experiment...
It's a hot day and everyone's thirsty. You have $9. There's a bottle of water on the table that you want to buy and the price on it is $10.
I give you $1. You can almost feel your thirst satiated.
Then I give the person next to you $1,000. How do you feel now?
Well our current system is like that, but multiplied by 100.
I do not agree that society should exist solely for the benefit of a handful of super-rich freeloaders.
On the desert island, they would starve and/or be eaten. That's not my definition of a useful member of society.