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    ks2048 ◴[] No.42925530[source]
    Do pro-bitcoin people still talk about goals of bitcoin being a currency that people use daily?

    I don't follow it closely, but that idea seems to have faded and now it's just an asset to buy and hold while it magically goes up forever.

    replies(12): >>42925658 #>>42925661 #>>42925711 #>>42925713 #>>42925980 #>>42926026 #>>42926151 #>>42926197 #>>42927159 #>>42928125 #>>42928576 #>>42928678 #
    1. sporkydistance ◴[] No.42925711[source]
    Why would anyone spend a single BTC/sat. if they know it could be worth 10x more in a few weeks/years?
    replies(6): >>42925943 #>>42925982 #>>42926138 #>>42926235 #>>42926646 #>>42927463 #
    2. hackernudes ◴[] No.42925943[source]
    Because they need toilet paper today.
    replies(3): >>42926103 #>>42926115 #>>42926363 #
    3. __MatrixMan__ ◴[] No.42925982[source]
    It's like those people who collect action figures and never take them out of the box. I'm not trying to knock it, but I don't think I'll ever understand it.
    4. sporkydistance ◴[] No.42926103[source]
    Selling a speculative investment for a necessity screams: "I don't understand personal finance."
    5. jdiff ◴[] No.42926115[source]
    I've got good news for those people, you can't buy toilet paper with bitcoin today. And they aren't getting paid in bitcoin today, either. And if they tried to exchange bitcoin for fiat to buy toilet paper, they'd be subject to incredible fees that would make such a transaction pointless.
    6. sahila ◴[] No.42926138[source]
    Because if you/they knew that, then they'd be buying more bitcoin.

    On a much smaller scale, your dollar goes up by 5% every year but you still use it everyday because all your monies are in dollars. If all your monies are in btc, you'd have to sell to buy things.

    replies(1): >>42926316 #
    7. wmf ◴[] No.42926235[source]
    Sell enough at the top to last you until the next top.
    8. cg5280 ◴[] No.42926316[source]
    If you suppose that BTC would be a widely adopted currency, you wouldn't "sell" it, you would simply exchange it for the good or service. But in this case if BTC is deflationary you would still hesitate to spend it. USD is inflationary, so there is hypothetically a small pressure to use it.
    9. cg5280 ◴[] No.42926363[source]
    While people will always need to buy the essentials, I do buy that a deflationary currency could discourage discretionary spending. Maybe people are slightly less likely to splurge on a big purchase or a nice dinner. I don't know what the delta would be in GDP growth compared to now; it certainly could be negligible.
    10. forgotoldacc ◴[] No.42926646[source]
    It used to be that buying a Bitcoin today would net you 10000x more if you waited a bit.

    Then it was 100x more.

    Now 10x more is the best people can dream of. The possibility of getting super rich from Bitcoin is now gone unless you're already rich to start with. Turning $100 into a million dollars made the whole world interested. Turning 100k into a million isn't anything interesting and it's out of reach of most normal people, and those who can throw 100k into something are already investing in other things with similar returns. As a normie, putting in $100 with the hopes of Bitcoin reaching a million would only get you $1000. That's not much different than a couple scratch off lottery tickets.

    It'd be much smarter to find the new secret thing that costs $5 now and will net you a million dollars ten years down the road. There's loads of stuff out there that people aren't paying attention to yet. Crypto isn't one of those things.

    11. EVa5I7bHFq9mnYK ◴[] No.42927463[source]
    Because people are mortal.