[1] https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4920827-60-minutes-tru...
[1] https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4920827-60-minutes-tru...
But yet people believe these things, and will believe a source that supports them. What's obvious to you is not obvious to others.
Them denying nature's truth doesn't allieve them from nature's forces.
Go watch some flat earther videos on YouTube. Lots of people are very committed to a particular conclusion and have developed elaborate processes for disregarding evidence that would persuade a rational person.
The US political system right now is built on believing easily disprovable lies. Unfortunately, their bad choices affect everyone.
No I do not:
>They are not a reasonable audience to debate with logos at that point.
but if people insist on arguing, that's your approach.
I just don't debate on Youtube. The people who matter aren't there anyway. Those people have to go through a slower process but one that doesn't care about the feelings of youtube comments complaining about Hilary emails (iroinc, isn't it?)
The people who matter are the ones who vote.
But sure, if anyone feels they can change minds in 2 years before midterm, go for it. That is not where I am useful.