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CDC data are disappearing

749 points doener | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.647s | source
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tlogan ◴[] No.42898819[source]
Nobody complained about downtimes (at least for Atlas Plus) when they started changing “sex” to “sex or gender” / “gender.” Let’s be honest.

I can’t find a single article about this because it was considered normal—they were simply upgrading their system. The level of dishonesty here is astounding.

Let’s wait three weeks. If Atlas Plus is still down, I’ll post an update here.

replies(2): >>42898836 #>>42898894 #
fn-mote ◴[] No.42898894[source]
Please be specific about what you think is dishonest.

It sounds like you are conflating a planned information removal with some unspecified amount of upgrade time? Those aren’t equivalent to me.

replies(1): >>42898974 #
tlogan ◴[] No.42898974[source]
The specifics:

The data is not disappearing. The data and the related tools have been temporarily removed to be cleaned and brought into compliance with Trump’s executive order (basically removing “gender” or replacing it with “sex”)

That should be the intellectually honest title and that is what is happening.

So lets check in 3 weeks. If data and tools are not back then we can say and complain about data disappearing.

replies(3): >>42900171 #>>42902795 #>>42903740 #
nojito ◴[] No.42903740[source]
>(basically removing “gender” or replacing it with “sex”)

There's no Gender or Sex component to the CDC's SVI methodology why was that dataset removed?


It's you who is being intellectually dishonest.

replies(1): >>42908586 #
1. tlogan ◴[] No.42908586[source]
I checked some old data from the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), and it seems likely that it was removed to comply with Trump’s anti-DEI executive order.

I completely agree that SVI becomes less useful if you strip out the “Racial and Ethnic Minority Status” variable. Just wanted to provide an intellectually honest answer about why this page was taken down.