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612 points dayanruben | 4 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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uhura ◴[] No.42901158[source]
I believe that this long game of Swift being "good for everything" but "better for Apple platforms" will be detrimental to the language. This does not help the language nor seems to bring more people to the ecosystem.

Competitors seems to have a combination of: - Being more open-source - Have more contributors - Have a narrower scope

Maybe they should consider open sourcing all the tooling (like Xcode) otherwise the gap will only grow over time when compared to other languages.

replies(10): >>42901489 #>>42901515 #>>42901558 #>>42902281 #>>42902484 #>>42903459 #>>42903586 #>>42903797 #>>42905687 #>>42906498 #
jitl ◴[] No.42903797[source]
I don't get this reaction.

Apple: here, we're open-sourcing this previously closed-source Apple-specific thing that made Swift better on Apple platforms. We're moving the Apple stuff into a plugin so Windows and Linux can be equal peers to Apple in the new system. We've implemented preliminary support for Windows & Linux and plan to continue work to bring them up to parity.

Hacker News: I believe that this long game of Swift being "good for everything" but "better for Apple platforms" will be detrimental to the language. This does not help the language nor seems to bring more people to the ecosystem.

Like, what more do you want from them? For them to only open-source Swift Build once they've fully implemented complete parity for Windows and Linux? In the years you'd be waiting for full parity, we'd still see this same kind of comment on every story about swift, asking when they're going to open source a production-level build system.

replies(5): >>42903995 #>>42904739 #>>42905069 #>>42906990 #>>42919105 #
talldayo ◴[] No.42905069[source]
> Like, what more do you want from them?

You know what we want from them. If Apple wants to be accepted by the Open Source community, they can't reprise the Microsoft playbook with a smug "Think Different" twist. This is basically a beat-for-beat rerun of the C#/Dotnet situation with a different font and Corinthian leather.

The internet at-large is sick and tired of tending to Apple's scraps at their obscure whims. If you are a developer that isn't already implicated to use Swift for iOS development, you'd be wasting your time doing Cupertino's work bringing up their language for them. They do not care, and only want to exploit your time and productivity like they do with the App Store. Much like C#, this is a scenario where everyone but the main benefactor will be thrown under the bus.

replies(1): >>42905244 #
1. MBCook ◴[] No.42905244{3}[source]
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. The perfect way to draw companies to embrace open source.
replies(1): >>42905500 #
2. talldayo ◴[] No.42905500[source]
They don't embrace Open Source, that's the problem. I don't even have to invoke the Halloween Documents to erode faith in FAANG as an Open Source steward, half this thread retched at the idea of using Swift out of principle.

Apple is welcome to head down the same road they're going if they think it's working out for Swift. Developers aren't going to magically warm to it any more than they trusted C# unless Apple makes some unprecedented change in their attitude towards Open Source. The world doesn't owe them shit.

replies(1): >>42906644 #
3. pjmlp ◴[] No.42906644[source]
Just like any other big corps, for every big corp you might think of, I can provide an anti-Open Source example from one of their business units.

Lets play this game?

replies(1): >>42919546 #
4. talldayo ◴[] No.42919546{3}[source]
Go ahead. Free Software has no obligation to satisfy the criteria of FAANG's business units, I'd actually find it quite funny to hear the litany of complaints you've compiled for a group of people that barely knows you exist.