("CDC has removed the pages with STI treatment and contraceptive guidelines (self.medicine)") ("CDC has removed the pages with STI treatment and contraceptive guidelines (self.medicine)")
No one who actually relies upon real raw data is just downloading a live snapshot from official government hosting on demand are they?
Proper data handling procedures is streaming updates, doing your own backups and archiving and sharing where possible and important. Not trusting the everlasting benevolence of whiplash politically controlled resources?
When was the last "whiplash" that did something this catastrophic?
Put blame where blame lies.
>People are going to die because this one website was taken down and there is no other place to possibly read about it?
Potentially yes. Doctors and scientists research these stats, find anamolies or patterns, and use that for research into better treatments or tobevem predict future outbreaks if the strain evolves.
We shouldn't be shocked that experts in a field can do a lot with a more complete dataset.