[1] https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4920827-60-minutes-tru...
[1] https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4920827-60-minutes-tru...
This is wrong IMO. Data can be missing, incomplete, biased, skewed, and even just plain wrong. Cherry-picked data can be worse than no data.
The ultimate fact check is a scientific process of collecting data, modeling it, scrutinizing it and its methodology and the entities involved, contextualizing it, cross-checking, replicating, etc.
What media likes to call "fact checking" to me feels more motivated by punchy headlines and chyrons.
What was readily checked is the source of such a claim (where did Trump get that from?) and what evidence was provided?
The trace back on that stupidity was unsubstantiated rumours triggered from a walked back local area posting and a slew of images that didn't come from the place in question, etc.