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CDC data are disappearing

749 points doener | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.2s | source
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breadwinner ◴[] No.42902252[source]
Data is the ultimate Fact Check. This is a President that's adamantly opposed to fact checking [1] and has even coerced Facebook to drop fact checking. Of course they don't want data on government sites that disprove their "alternate facts".

[1] https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4920827-60-minutes-tru...

replies(10): >>42902356 #>>42902413 #>>42902434 #>>42902630 #>>42902793 #>>42902978 #>>42903439 #>>42903684 #>>42904050 #>>42918244 #
chasing[dead post] ◴[] No.42902630[source]
breadwinner ◴[] No.42902985[source]
If you look at people who have been losing in court for lying recently, such as Rudy Giuliani, InfoWars, Fox news Dominion (settled for $787M), they are all conservatives. Maybe that proves that reality indeed has a liberal bias.
replies(1): >>42903089 #
1. naikrovek ◴[] No.42903089[source]
It’s not even a bias in that situation. Conservatives have an interest in denying reality because denying reality lets them have more of what they want.

Reality is what it is. Reality isn’t biased. It looks like a bias because of how far conservatives have pulled everyone to the right, by moving further right while demanding that everyone meet in the middle.