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CDC data are disappearing

749 points doener | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.206s | source
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paulyy_y ◴[] No.42898268[source]
What's more depressing is this was completely predictable, totally avoidable, but half the country welcomed this wave of oppression with open arms.
replies(7): >>42898405 #>>42898480 #>>42898632 #>>42898681 #>>42898826 #>>42899048 #>>42899112 #
diggan ◴[] No.42898405[source]
> but half the country welcomed this wave of oppression with open arms.

And the other half? They seem to welcome this as well, but with crossed arms. Where are the protests? Seems most people end up writing upset messages on Twitter/Bluesky, but also seems there are no grassroots movements to actually protest the borderline coup that is happening?

replies(9): >>42898442 #>>42898465 #>>42898473 #>>42898500 #>>42898563 #>>42898604 #>>42899196 #>>42903681 #>>42905726 #
CalRobert ◴[] No.42898442[source]
Protest doesn't do anything. I marched plenty and it accomplished nothing except letting like-minded people blow off a bit of steam and feel like something we did mattered. If anything it was just a distraction.
replies(3): >>42898513 #>>42898887 #>>42899020 #
9283409232 ◴[] No.42898513[source]
The answer is a general strike. This will never happen in the US though.
replies(1): >>42898548 #
CalRobert ◴[] No.42898548[source]
Hard to strike when your boss can make you and your kid homeless. Housing precarity is a useful tool of control.
replies(2): >>42898568 #>>42899143 #
FollowingTheDao ◴[] No.42899143[source]
Wow. My grandfather is turning over in his grave. He suffered not only starvation and homelessness while striking against the coral companies of Pennsylvania, he was also beaten.

If they have instilled this much cowardliness in you they have won. Imagine you’re kid looking at what you wrote twenty years from now and think of how he/she would think of you. Courageous or coward?

replies(2): >>42899312 #>>42899320 #
CalRobert ◴[] No.42899312[source]
I don't know. I am a coward I guess, I emigrated. I think my kids will be glad they didn't grow up in the US.

Good for your grandfather though.

replies(2): >>42899335 #>>42899519 #
9283409232 ◴[] No.42899519[source]
You are but so is most of America. And there will be no safe place to emigrate when there are wars everywhere.
replies(1): >>42899550 #
1. FollowingTheDao ◴[] No.42899550[source]
People don’t understand how remarkably easy it is to be homeless. Believe me because I was homeless for four years. The fear they have instilled in them is what’s keeping them cowards.