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CDC data are disappearing

749 points doener | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0.605s | source
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nine_zeros ◴[] No.42898425[source]
America voted for cons, crooks and thugs. And is getting conned, crooked and thugged.

Entirely predictable. And well deserved. I say this as someone living and suffering in America.

There is no one else to blame but ourselves. The future is bleak.

replies(4): >>42898597 #>>42898898 #>>42904210 #>>42906763 #
reddalo ◴[] No.42898597[source]
It's even worse for us of the rest of the world, because the United States influence the whole world, and we can't do anything against this tragedy.
replies(1): >>42898622 #
nine_zeros ◴[] No.42898622[source]
It is bad for the rest of the world but the rest of the world has an exit. Call your representatives and stop using US dollar for trade. Literally, that one action alone will save a lot of grief for people outside the US.

This is not a joke. What will sting Elon, Trump and crooks the most is losing their wealth. The rest of the world does not need to suffer for these crooks.

replies(2): >>42898730 #>>42904438 #
oefrha ◴[] No.42898730[source]
That’s wishful thinking… One can’t simply stop using USD for trade on a whim. Decoupling will take at least a decade if not longer.
replies(2): >>42899431 #>>42902586 #
1. marcosdumay ◴[] No.42899431[source]
Nah, stop using the US$ for trade is as simply as just stop doing it. There's no lack of infrastructure, and plenty of commerce doesn't use it already.

What is hard is desinvesting from the US treasure. You have to sell those somewhere, and if everybody tries, their value will quickly go to 0. But if the US is successful in making their trade-balance positive, this will solve itself without a lot of hardship, it's just a matter of the rest of the world helping them here.

Macroeconomics is not what will show you problems here. The US is inserted itself into every supply chain on the world, but you will only notice this if you look at the details. Maybe we should start with an intellectual property reform...

replies(1): >>42899740 #
2. oefrha ◴[] No.42899740[source]
> as simply as just stop doing it

If you don't mind the tsunami that ensues, sure.

replies(1): >>42902687 #
3. marcosdumay ◴[] No.42902687[source]
Hum... What kind of tsunami do you expect to come from some thousands of people holding dollars for a few fewer milliseconds?

That would take a lot of legwork to confirm, but while the US$ is certainly the most used intermediate currency, it would surprise me if it was even used on the majority of the transactions.