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CDC data are disappearing

749 points doener | 17 comments | | HN request time: 0.001s | source | bottom
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CalRobert ◴[] No.42898165[source]
This is part of a broader rolling catastrophe. Musk is evidently seizing control of the Office of Personnel Management

Nasa took down their applied sciences page and is evidently scrubbing the data


Lots of other data sets are disappearing too:

There is active discussion of this at

as well as at

replies(7): >>42898380 #>>42898383 #>>42898615 #>>42898874 #>>42899224 #>>42900288 #>>42900376 #
1. bmitc ◴[] No.42898615[source]
How is this not all illegal? How are cease and resists not being put into place? An illegal immigrant, narcissist, billionaire, and many other things is taking over federal agencies and actively purging them for his own ideologies.
replies(5): >>42898660 #>>42898679 #>>42898690 #>>42898764 #>>42898959 #
2. basscomm ◴[] No.42898660[source]
It's only illegal if someone enforces the law
3. Maxious ◴[] No.42898679[source]
Anything the president does is legal so says the supreme court
replies(2): >>42900597 #>>42906371 #
4. CalRobert ◴[] No.42898690[source]
Laws are just words
5. mort96 ◴[] No.42898764[source]
I see these kinds of comments regularly and am curious: what is your thought process? What makes you think that it's not illegal? What makes you think that legality matters here?
replies(2): >>42898886 #>>42901154 #
6. s1artibartfast ◴[] No.42898886[source]
what makes me think it is illegal. I dont think there is a congressional law that X data must be hosted at a given URL.
replies(1): >>42898939 #
7. ◴[] No.42898939{3}[source]
8. ◴[] No.42898959[source]
9. maeil ◴[] No.42900597[source]
I'm surprised that this was not given more attention, despite how much it was given, it should have gotten orders of magnitudes more.

In the US, you can fly multiple planes into skyscrapers, rape three whole kindergartens, and lynch an entire race to extermination. As long as you then win the next election before you get convicted, you're in the clear.

This is the United States of America.

Vulgar examples? The bare minimum necessary to make people remotely feel the severity in their bones. Problem is that no one dares to say them out loud in fear of their reputation, despite it being a good thing to do.

10. bmitc ◴[] No.42901154[source]
Can you just state what you would like to?
replies(1): >>42902320 #
11. mort96 ◴[] No.42902320{3}[source]
I did
replies(1): >>42902524 #
12. bmitc ◴[] No.42902524{4}[source]
You made no statements.
replies(3): >>42902968 #>>42903818 #>>42904158 #
13. mort96 ◴[] No.42902968{5}[source]
Correct, I asked a question, which is what I wanted to do :)
14. DangitBobby ◴[] No.42903818{5}[source]
They are saying it's likely illegal but it doesn't matter because the law does not apply to certain people. No consequences for illegal activity will ever touch Trump or Musk.
replies(1): >>42908124 #
15. mp05 ◴[] No.42904158{5}[source]
"I see these kinds of comments regularly and am curious"

This clearly states the person's feelings (curiosity) about some observations (seeing comments of a particular sort).

16. hansvm ◴[] No.42906371[source]
Absolutely. That begs the question though, if Trump has ordered federal employees to make the government efficient and eliminate the weaponization of government, are those employees not obligated to remove Trump and Musk from their current roles?
17. mort96 ◴[] No.42908124{6}[source]
Well that is my opinion of the situation, but other people had already covered that well enough so I didn't feel the need to. I was curious about what thought process results in the assumption that what they're doing is legal, so I asked.