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CDC data are disappearing

749 points doener | 7 comments | | HN request time: 0.367s | source | bottom
1. conartist6 ◴[] No.42898065[source]
The target isn't the people, the target is science. It is becoming clear that the intent is to govern through fear.
replies(4): >>42898232 #>>42898253 #>>42898259 #>>42898524 #
2. ◴[] No.42898232[source]
3. SmirkingRevenge ◴[] No.42898259[source]
They're targeting every institution or source of authority that isn't overtly aligned with the party. Academia, science, media, etc.

So far it seems to be working, unfortunately.

4. nehal3m ◴[] No.42898360[source]
That’s an art project by Gan Golan and Andrew Boyd and has nothing to do with governing.
5. tremon ◴[] No.42898524[source]
I think you misunderstand the goal. The target is total control of the people -- the means is disrupting every alternative voice and narrative.
6. conartist6 ◴[] No.42898827[source]
I'm sorry to tell you this, but the sign was lying to you. It is already too late to "turn back the clock" on climate change. The droughts, the floods, the fires: we are already paying the debts of past inaction.
7. plagiarist ◴[] No.42899012[source]
I sure as fuck wish we had four years. Unfortunately it is already too late.