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Is the world becoming uninsurable?

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danielmarkbruce ◴[] No.42734398[source]
This is silly, and overcomplicating the issue. The world is very insurable, at a price. The property and casualty business is competitive as hell in almost all parts.

The government needs to just stay out of it.

replies(2): >>42734471 #>>42735966 #
csours ◴[] No.42734471[source]
Ok, just play the next move. Insurance is expensive. Now what happens.
replies(2): >>42735150 #>>42738715 #
lionkor ◴[] No.42735150[source]
People don't build wood houses in an area that gets wild fires
replies(1): >>42737742 #
jopsen ◴[] No.42737742[source]
Probably they will, at one point maybe that banks wills stop financing it.

But only when you can't get mortgages, people will begin to stop, and even then some will continue.

It'll take a long time for these changes to trickle out. Especially, when real estate prices in LA are so high.

It might be faster to fix this with zoning. Or if the area is so desirable, find a way to engineer your way out of it.

replies(1): >>42738864 #
danielmarkbruce ◴[] No.42738864[source]
We don't want fast fixes. Things change, building materials could change, fire fighting methods could improve etc. If we can send the right signal via the right price for the risk, people can react accordingly to either reduce or avoid the problem.
replies(1): >>42761976 #
jopsen ◴[] No.42761976[source]
> people can react accordingly to either reduce or avoid the problem.

Yes, but lots of people won't be consider all factors when buying a house.

Prices are high, houses aren't on the market long, when you do find a house that matches your criteria, are you going to consider if it's safe from floods, fires, earth quakes, etc?

You're already factoring in schools, distance to work, shopping options, etc.

Not to mention the fact that you're mostly worried about whether the house has mold, termites, pest, or construction deflects, how long time to the roofing need to be replaced.

Asking normal people to factor in natural disaster probabilities is difficult.

Maybe, it's better to not allow construction is such places through zoning.

I bet most home buyers spend more time looking for pests, mold, leaky pipes, etc, than they do investigating wild fire risks.

replies(1): >>42770177 #
1. danielmarkbruce ◴[] No.42770177[source]
Home buyers don't need to investigate wild fire risk - the need to check the price of insurance in the area (assuming it's priced without distortions). If the insurance looks insanely expensive, people can either walk away, accept it, or look into how to change it.

Basically you are saying "i want a nanny state".