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120 points tomhee | 2 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source

Hi! I've been working on the flipjump project, a programming language with 1 opcode: flip (invert) a bit, then jump (unconditionally). So a bit-flip followed by more bit-flips. It's effectively a bunch of NOT gates. This language, as poor as it sounds, is RICH.

Today I completed my compiler from C to FlipJump. It takes C files, and compiles them into flipjump. I finished testing it all today, and it works! My key interest in this project is to stretch what we know of computing and to prove that anything can be done even with minimal power.

I appreciate you reading my announcement, and be happy to answer questions.

More links:

- The flipjump language: https://github.com/tomhea/flip-jump https://esolangs.org/wiki/FlipJump

- c2fj python package https://pypi.org/project/c2fj/

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jkrshnmenon ◴[] No.42743802[source]
I wonder if someone has already made a Reverse Engineering CTF challenge for this concept.
replies(2): >>42743867 #>>42744499 #
tomhee ◴[] No.42743867[source]
There actually was one with subleq: https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.attify.com/flare-4-ctf-wri...
replies(1): >>42744260 #
jkrshnmenon ◴[] No.42744260[source]
I would also be very curious to see if it's possible to make a decompiler for this type of obfuscated program.
replies(1): >>42745154 #
saagarjha ◴[] No.42745154[source]
Typically these obfuscators are applied in an automated fashion so yes.
replies(1): >>42746112 #
1. jkrshnmenon ◴[] No.42746112[source]
DEFCON Quals challenge incoming.
replies(1): >>42746492 #
2. saagarjha ◴[] No.42746492[source]
Please no we’ve already suffered enough :(