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320 points zdw | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.21s | source
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Reason077 ◴[] No.42743552[source]
All USB-to-Ethernet adapters are pretty evil in my experience. Always terrible performance, often slower than WiFi.
replies(6): >>42743617 #>>42743638 #>>42743863 #>>42744378 #>>42745165 #>>42745232 #
1. daveoc64 ◴[] No.42745165[source]
This is not my experience.

I have used many 1000BASE-T dongles and they work exactly as advertised - capable of transferring at ~950Mbps.

I have also used 2.5GBASE-T dongles and speeds are in the 2Gbps+ range.

WisdPi are even offering dongles with 5GBASE-T support (RTL8157 chipset):
