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Let's talk about AI and end-to-end encryption

172 points chmaynard | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.204s | source
1. lifeisstillgood ◴[] No.42744983[source]
So if I understand it

1. E2E encryption does work

2. But phones can send plaintext back to the cloud to get help doing AI things

3. And we tend not to know because it’s all “assisstance”

But the solution like anything is pricing. I mean yet again (uber, Airbnb) billions of dollars of VC money is used as subsidy so my photos can get OCR’d.

If phones said “hey for a dollar fifty I can work out what the road sign says behind your dogs head in 32 photos your mum sent you last week” I think we woukd see a different threat landscape

This is - again - unsustainable cash spending distorting markets and common sense. If the market was “we can OCR and analyse these insurance claims” the. Things like privacy and encryption would be first class requirements and harder to sell and build.

By spending a billion they can sell services to people without regulators to ask awkward questions and then they hope step 3. Profit.

I short not even AI can spot patterns in encrypted data, it’s only when plaintext gets sent around in the hope of profit do we see a threat. That’s seems a simple fix if not an easy one