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259 points dban | 3 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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jonatron ◴[] No.42743915[source]
Why would you call colocation "building your own data center"? You could call it "colocation" or "renting space in a data center". What are you building? You're racking. Can you say what you mean?
replies(9): >>42743999 #>>42744262 #>>42744459 #>>42744487 #>>42744684 #>>42745045 #>>42745071 #>>42745397 #>>42745493 #
walrus01 ◴[] No.42744459[source]
> Why would you call colocation "building your own data center"?

The cynic in me says this was written by sales/marketing people targeted specifically at a whole new generation of people who've never laid hands on the bare metal or racked a piece of equipment or done low voltage cabling, fiber cabling, and "plug this into A and B power AC power" cabling.

By this, I mean people who've never done anything that isn't GCP, Azure, AWS, etc. Many terminologies related to bare metal infrastructure are misused by people who haven't been around in the industry long enough to have been required to DIY all their own infrastructure on their own bare metal.

I really don't mean any insult to people reading this who've only ever touched the software side, but if a document is describing the general concept of hot aisles and cold aisles to an audience in such a way that it assumes they don't know what those are, it's at a very introductory/beginner level of understanding the OSI layer 1 infrastructure.

replies(2): >>42744604 #>>42745241 #
1. justjake ◴[] No.42744604[source]
I think that's my fault BTW (Railway Founder here). I asked Charith to cut down a bit on the details to make sure it was approachable to a wider audience (And most people have only done Cloud)

I wanted to start off with the 101 content to see if people found it approachable/interesting. He's got like reams and reams of 201, 301, 401

Next time I'll stay out of the writing room!

replies(1): >>42744922 #
2. haneefmubarak ◴[] No.42744922[source]
Bro let him at the 401 and higher hahaha!
replies(1): >>42745008 #
3. justjake ◴[] No.42745008[source]
"Booo who let this guy cook?"

Fair tbh

We will indeed write more on this so this is great feedback for next time!