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39 points westoncb | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source
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haxiomic ◴[] No.42741297[source]
This is extremely cool! Curious on the story behind this /u/westoncb!

It reminds me of Huygens Optics' recent videos about modelling particles as confined light using a particular non-linear medium [0], is it possible to create similar 'light' particles with tweaks to your setup?

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMP5Pbx8I4s

replies(1): >>42744201 #
westoncb ◴[] No.42744201[source]
Thank you! I'll take a look at the video—haven't seen it yet but I'll take a look in minute. Some more background on the project in this tweet: https://x.com/Westoncb/status/1879689465360445834
replies(1): >>42744504 #
dang ◴[] No.42744504[source]
Can you post a comment to this thread giving some of that background and explanation? If so, I'll move it to be the top text of this post. Right now it's a bit hard to tell what we're looking at, though it looks cool!
replies(1): >>42744533 #
1. westoncb ◴[] No.42744533{3}[source]
Yep, it'll take me a minute, but on it. Thanks!