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Is the world becoming uninsurable?

512 points spking | 1 comments | | HN request time: 0.213s | source
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tobyhinloopen ◴[] No.42734903[source]
American, living in area prone to natural disasters: "Is the WHOLE WORLD becoming uninsurable?"

The answer is obviously "no" since there are other parts of the world that don't live on a hurricane highway nor build houses made from firewood in an area prone to wildfires.

replies(24): >>42735049 #>>42735252 #>>42735436 #>>42736011 #>>42736604 #>>42736730 #>>42737082 #>>42737199 #>>42737348 #>>42737687 #>>42738099 #>>42738455 #>>42738961 #>>42740444 #>>42740756 #>>42741668 #>>42741813 #>>42742051 #>>42742463 #>>42743561 #>>42744077 #>>42744352 #>>42766705 #>>42777447 #
infecto ◴[] No.42737082[source]
Honest question. Why when people describe wood framed homes do they always phrase it like houses made from "firewood", "sticks", "twigs" etc? It at least for me always detracts from the argument at hand. You could just as easily build a wood framed home with an exterior shell that is fire resistant using modern materials or brick.
replies(14): >>42737226 #>>42737735 #>>42737914 #>>42737966 #>>42737981 #>>42738100 #>>42738297 #>>42738497 #>>42739478 #>>42739857 #>>42740828 #>>42741037 #>>42741241 #>>42743464 #
michaelt ◴[] No.42737914[source]
Well, we are commenting on an article specifically about the spread of fire in urban areas, as we've seen in LA this week.

Here in the seismically stable UK, we had problems with fire spreading in urban areas [1] in 1666. So we banned wood exteriors on buildings. It works pretty well if you don't need to worry about earthquakes or hurricanes; brick doesn't burn.

This lesson is taught in history classes to 10 year olds, and they don't tend to go into other countries' construction traditions, or reasons not to use bricks.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Fire_of_London

replies(2): >>42740038 #>>42744869 #
infecto ◴[] No.42740038[source]
Less about the question (that has been asked so much now its tiring) but more on how when people do ask it, they always ask in such a negative way. Its not why are so many homes built out of timber/wood but rather why are they built out of sticks?
replies(2): >>42740267 #>>42742466 #
amanaplanacanal ◴[] No.42740267[source]
It draws a compelling portrait in people's minds. Everybody knows how easily sticks burn.
replies(2): >>42740574 #>>42744488 #
1. datavirtue ◴[] No.42744488[source]
2x4s burn much quicker than sticks. Try it.