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133 points shinzub | 6 comments | | HN request time: 0s | source | bottom
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maxrmk ◴[] No.42742521[source]
This is clever, and I got a good laugh out of their example video. The demo UI of "Double click here" isn't very convincing - I bet there's a version of this that gets people to double click consistently though.
replies(3): >>42743385 #>>42743421 #>>42744773 #
1. bee_rider ◴[] No.42743385[source]
Hmm. I guess it is never impossible that there’s a version of something that will trick people consistently. But, I’m kinda struggling to recall a time I’ve needed to double click on a website.

Actually the double-click action is pretty rare nowadays, right? In particular, I use it a lot to select a word in a terminal, but most of the time when I am getting UI instructions it is from a website about how to use the website itself, and since that’s a website it has to be abstract enough to also make sense for mobile users.

Telling people to double click is, I think, mostly dead.

replies(4): >>42743440 #>>42743495 #>>42743843 #>>42744539 #
2. chatmasta ◴[] No.42743440[source]
It doesn’t need to be a literal double click. It could be something like a CAPTCHA “confirm you’re human,” where you click once, it appears to load, and then you click a confirm button. Do it fast enough and it might appear like a double click.

Not sure this would work with the exploit though.

3. foobazgt ◴[] No.42743495[source]
My mother constantly struggles between when to double click or not after decades of using computers. This is probably an issue that will die out with her generation, though.

Entirely separate, a common failure mode of dying mice is that they start generating spurious clicks. I've had a couple of logitechs do this to me. And the thing about scams is you can often legit make money off of very low success rates.

replies(1): >>42743947 #
4. dylan604 ◴[] No.42743843[source]
Google drive and similar sites use double click for folders to open similar to a regular OS would. Single click tends to show some metadata where the double click does the actual navigation.

it pisses me off

5. JadeNB ◴[] No.42743947[source]
> Entirely separate, a common failure mode of dying mice is that they start generating spurious clicks.

Speaking of things dying out, it's been so long since I used anything but a trackpad that I thought at first this was some strange claim about rodents!

6. hansvm ◴[] No.42744539[source]
YouTube gets me to double-click on occasion:

- The page mostly loads

- An ad starts playing

- I attempt to hit "pause" while I go handle a thing or two [0]

- As I'm about to click "pause", the layout shifts to the left exactly enough for me to unmute the ad

- I immediately click again to stop listening to whatever scam is currently being peddled

[0] For some videos I like to read the description before watching. For all videos I like to make it as obvious as possible to Google that there isn't a real person watching the ad (browser not focused, ad muted, ...).