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Hands-On Graphics Without X11

166 points ingve | 6 comments | | HN request time: 0.823s | source | bottom
1. segasaturn ◴[] No.42743175[source]
I remember Links, the text-based browser that runs in your terminal, had a framebuffer mode that you could use to get rudimentary graphical web browsing on a system with no X11 installed.
replies(3): >>42743597 #>>42743985 #>>42747002 #
2. LtWorf ◴[] No.42743597[source]
Yeah, also mpv has a framebuffer driver. AFAIK Qt has one as well, so any Qt program could run without X/wayland.
replies(1): >>42746585 #
3. prmoustache ◴[] No.42743985[source]
I think netsurf can still be compiled for fb.
4. qalmakka ◴[] No.42746585[source]
> Qt

That's EGLFS, it's used quite a bit in automotive AFAIK. It's slowly getting replaced by Wayland and Weston though.

replies(1): >>42749573 #
5. baq ◴[] No.42747002[source]
May I introduce you to https://www.brow.sh/
6. jcelerier ◴[] No.42749573{3}[source]
Qt also has a directfb backend (among many others: https://github.com/qt/qtbase/tree/dev/src/plugins/platforms)